Vaser Liposuction London

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Are you tired of trying every possible diet and workout routine to get rid of stubborn fat deposits, but still see no results? Do you feel self-conscious about your body shape and want to feel confident and beautiful in your own skin? If yes, then vaser liposuction may be the solution you’ve been always looking for. This procedure uses ultrasonic technology to remove fat from specific areas of the body with improved accuracy and less downtime compared to traditional liposuction methods. If you want to know more about Vaser Liposuction in UK, this article will be providing you with accurate answers to every question or query you may have.

What Is Vaser Liposuction?

Vaser liposuction is a type of liposuction that uses ultrasonic energy to target and remove unwanted fat deposits. The vaser technology gently breaks down the fat cells, and this makes the suctioning process less traumatic and less painful for the patient. This method is ideal for removing fat from specific areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and neck.

Vaser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that uses ultrasound energy to remove unwanted fat from targeted areas of the body. This innovative technology is designed to remove fat without damaging surrounding tissues, leaving you with smooth, sculpted, and natural-looking results. With vaser liposuction, you can finally achieve the body shape you’ve always wanted without the need for excessive dieting or exercise.

At our clinics, we understand the importance of finding the right vaser liposuction surgeon for you. That’s why we have assembled a team of expert vaser lipo uk surgeons who are dedicated to providing you with the highest standard of care and results. Whether you’re looking to improve your body shape, boost your confidence, or simply live a happier and more fulfilling life, we are here to help get what you want. Consult us now for free!

breast implant before and after

Vaser Liposuction At A Glance


45 Minutes


General Anaesthetic


Day Case


Surgical Bra - 6 Weeks


1 Week


Sleeping on Back for 1 - 2 Weeks


6 Weeks


4 - 6 Weeks


1 - 2 Weeks


1 Week

Why Choose Vaser Liposuction?

There are a number of reasons why someone might choose vaser liposuction over other types of liposuction or body contouring procedures. Perhaps the biggest advantage of vaser lipo is that it is less invasive than other traditional liposuction, and this means less discomfort and a faster recovery time for patients. Vaser lipo also uses ultrasound technology to break up and remove unwanted fat, and this can result in smoother and more precise results. This makes it an ideal choice for people who are looking to get rid of small pockets of stubborn fat, such as love handles, muffin tops, or saddlebags.

Another advantage of vaser liposuction is that it is relatively gentle on the surrounding tissues, making it a great option for people who have more delicate skin or are concerned about the risk of scarring. In addition to that, vaser lipo can be performed under local anesthesia, and this means that patients can return home and resume normal activities soon after the procedure is completed.

The Ideal Candidate for Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction is the best option for people who are in good overall health and are looking to address specific pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. This procedure is not a weight loss solution, and that is why patients should be close to their ideal weight and have realistic expectations about what the procedure can achieve.

In order to be considered for vaser liposuction, patients should also have good skin elasticity and should not have any underlying medical conditions that could make the procedure unsafe. Patients should also be committed to leading a healthy lifestyle, as vaser lipo is not a guarantee that the fat will not return if the patient gains weight again.

Vaser Liposuction Cost and Finance

Vaser liposuction cost uk can vary depending on a number of factors. These factors include the size and location of the area being treated, the experience of the surgeon, and the type of anesthesia used.

Many patients may be concerned about the cost of vaser liposuction, but there are several financing options available to make the procedure more affordable. Some clinics offer in-house financing options, while others may work with third-party financing companies to provide patients with flexible payment plans. Additionally, some patients may be able to claim the cost of vaser liposuction through their private health insurance, although this will depend on the specific policy and the medical reason for the procedure.

Contact us now to get more information about Vaser Liposuction cost at our clinics.

Benefits of Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that offers numerous benefits to the patient comparing to other traditional liposuction methods. It is a great option for individuals who are looking to improve their body shape and achieve a more contoured look. Here are some of the main benefits of vaser liposuction that you should consider:

1. Precise results: Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound energy to precisely target fat deposits, resulting in smoother and more natural-looking results.

2. Minimal downtime: Unlike traditional liposuction methods, vaser liposuction has a minimal downtime, and this allows individuals to return to their work and their normal activities relatively quickly.

3. Minimal scarring: Vaser liposuction uses small incisions, reducing the risk of scarring and making it a great option for individuals who want to minimize the appearance of any scars.

4. Improved skin tone: Vaser liposuction can help improve the tone and texture of the skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

5. Safe and effective: Vaser liposuction is a safe and effective procedure with a high success rate. With the help of our highly trained and experienced surgeons, you will achieve your desired body shape and contour without any major complications.

Meet Our Vaser Liposuction Surgeons Team

At THE MAYFAIR MEDICAL, we are proud to have a team of highly skilled and experienced vaser liposuction uk surgeons who are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their desired body shape and contour. Our surgeons are experts in their field and are committed to providing the highest quality of care to each and every patient.

Each of our vaser liposuction surgeons has completed extensive training and has years of experience performing vaser liposuction procedures. Our team has a deep understanding of the procedure and is committed to ensuring that each patient receives the personalized care and attention they deserve.

When you choose one of our vaser liposuction surgeons, you can be confident that you’re in good hands. Our team will work with you to understand your goals first and then help you make informed decisions about your journey.

At THE MAYFAIR MEDICAL, We are dedicated to helping you achieve the body shape and contour you desire, and we are committed to providing the highest quality of care in every step of the way.

Your Vaser Liposuction Journey


The first step in your vaser liposuction journey is to schedule a consultation with one of our expert surgeons. During this appointment, you’ll discuss your goals and concerns and receive an evaluation of your body and overall health. Our surgeons will also assess the areas you wish to treat and explain the options available to you, including the vaser liposuction procedure and recovery time.

Pre-Operative Consultation

Before your vaser lipo procedure, you’ll attend a pre-operative consultation where you’ll have the opportunity to discuss any final questions or concerns you may still have with your surgeon. Our team will also provide you with detailed instructions for preparation, including how to care for your skin and what to eat or drink before the procedure.

Procedure Day

On the day of your vaser liposuction procedure, you’ll arrive at our clinic and meet with your surgeon for a final check-in. The procedure will be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of treatment and your comfort level. Our vaser liposuction procedure typically takes between one to three hours, depending on the size of the area being treated.

After Procedure

After your vaser lipo procedure, you will need to rest and follow our aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth, quick, and successful recovery. This may include wearing compression garments to support your treated areas, avoiding strenuous physical activity, and avoiding sun exposure. Our surgeons will also provide you with detailed aftercare instructions, including when you can resume your normal activities and when to schedule your follow-up appointment.

We understand that the vaser liposuction journey can be overwhelming, but our team is here to support you in every step of the way. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Risk of Vaser Liposuction

As with any surgical procedure, vaser liposuction carries certain risks and side effects. The most common side effects include swelling, bruising, and soreness. There may also be a risk of infection, scarring, and changes in skin sensation. To minimize these risks, it’s important to choose a qualified and experienced vaser liposuction surgeon, follow the pre-operative and aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon, and attend all follow-up appointments.

It’s also important to remember that vaser liposuction is not a weight loss solution and that it is not intended for individuals with significant weight issues. If you are overweight, you may be a better candidate for weight loss surgery or a weight loss program.

Vaser liposuction is a safe and effective way to contour your body and achieve the look you desire. Our team of expert surgeons is here to help you in every step of the way, from your initial consultation to your aftercare period. Contact us now to learn more about vaser liposuction or to schedule a consultation!

vaser liposuction uk near me

If you are looking for vaser liposuction uk near you, check out our clinics’ locations and choose the closest one to you. Our team is always here to assist you, answer any questions you may have, and support you during your medical journeys.

Our Expert Breast Augmentation Surgeons

mr shivram singh
Mr Shivram Singh
Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Hand Surgeon
Mr Syed Haroon Ali Shah
Consultant Cosmetic Surgeon
Mr Adeyinka Molajo
Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Patient Testimonials

Boob Job Before and After Results

Breast Augmentation FAQs

Usually the procedure is slated for 90 minutes. It may vary depending on various circumstances and complications associated with your state of health. Time to recovery is a different phase after the completion of the core procedure.
The results you experience after the surgery are permanent in nature when it comes to breast enlargement. However, you may expect change in your breasts shape in situations like weight loss or pregnancy.
It usually takes one week’s time for proper recovery if all the key recommendations are followed. Therefore, you can plan to get back to work after one week of the surgery. This is very important if your work involves routine physical activity.
Going by the time tested solutions offered by Cosmetology, Breast Enlargement Surgery has been the only credible solution as experienced by many women in the past.
Simultaneously surgeries do have their own set of complications. Depending on the nature of the other surgery you are planning for, the cosmetic surgery experts will recommend if you can combine it with Breast Enlargement Surgery or not.
Absolutely, you can make your choice clear to your surgeon. It is better to explore all the options and align your liking with expert advice.
The area on which the surgery is done will be affected just as in the case of any other surgical procedure. Our surgeons will take all the necessary precautions to preserve sensitivity and sensation. But, when cuts are made, they are normally bound to impact the nerves that are responsible for keeping the sensation intact.
A lot of it depends on your surgeon’s advice as well as the insurance provider’s recommendations. Not going by the technicalities, you will find it comfortable to stay closer to one of our clinic locations at least for a week after the surgery.
You must be 18 years old to opt for the treatment; apart from that there is no restriction in terms of the age.
Second opinion is your right. You can feel free to express your concerns and reservations with us anytime.
All the surgeons and cosmetic care professionals we recommended are duly qualified and accredited by the respective boards. They also are registered members of General Medical Council (GMC).

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